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Notice of Impounding and of Proposed Sale of Impounded Stock

WDC Te Kauwhata 0108

The Impounding Act 1955, Section 46 (2)

The undermentioned stock, having being seized for impounding at Fiesst Road, Kopuku, and are impounded at Waikato District Council Stock Pound, Old Taupiri Road, Ngaruawahia:

5 x Brown and White Yearling Heifers, Jersey Friesian Cross
2 x Black Weaner Heifers, Jersey Friesian Cross

Notice is hereby given that, unless claimed by the owner, the stock will be sold by public auction or otherwise disposed of in accordance with the Impounding Act 1955 at the Frankton Sale Yards on 31 May 2017, being not less than seven days from the date of this publication.

Enquiries should be addressed to Megan May, Waikato District Council, phone 07 824 5877.

Dated this 19th day of May 2017

G J Ion

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