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Notification of the Waikato District Council Annual Plan 2017/18 Consultation Document

Annual Plan 2017 - Have your say

Your Wastewater Rates are Rising in July

Council needs your feedback to help us make planning decisions for the District over the next financial year (from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018). 

The Waikato District Council is making changes to reduce the risk of wastewater spills into our environment. If you pay a wastewater rate you will receive a consultation document in the post by 8 April. It outlines three options for you to consider.

The consultation document will also be available at our Council offices and libraries, or online. You can find out more about the options offered for consultation on your wastewater services for 2017/18 by attending a drop-in session. We are keen to talk to you, answer questions or just hear what you have to say.

Details on how to give your feedback (make a submission) by post, email, online or in person can be found on our website We need to hear from you before 5pm, Monday 8 May 2017.

A hearing will be held on, or around, 30 and 31 May 2017. If you’d like to speak about your written submission at the hearing please indicate this clearly in your submission.

G J Ion
Chief Executive

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