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Notice of Declaration of Road Stopping

Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 342 (1) (a) and Condition 4 of Schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 1974 that:

  1. As no objections were received to the proposed stopping of the portions of legal unformed road described in the First Schedule hereto, the Waikato District Council at its ordinary meeting on 14 September 2015, resolved that the unformed roads described in the First Schedule be declared stopped
  2. As no objections were received to the proposed stopping of those portions of Hitchen Road described in the Second Schedule hereto, the Waikato District Council at its ordinary meeting on 14 December 2015, resolved that the unformed portions of Hitchen Road described in the Second Schedule, be declared stopped.


First Schedule

3.3143 ha being Section 1 on SO Plan 482297.

1.9096 ha being Sections 3 and 6 on SO Plan 482298.

Second Schedule

0.4471 ha being Section 2 on SO Plan 482298

0.0377 ha being Section 4 on SO Plan 482298

A copy of SO Plans 482297 and 482298 can be viewed at the offices of the Waikato District Council, 15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia.

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