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Meeting Dates

The following meetings will be held during December 2015. All meetings will be held at the Waikato District Council, 15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia unless otherwise stated.


Audit & Risk 10 December, 1.00pm


Raglan 1 December, 6.00pm (Town Hall Supper Room, Bow Street, Raglan)
(A public forum will be held from 5.30pm)
Ngaruawahia 1 December, 6.00pm

Te Kauwhata 2 December, 7.00pm ((St John Hall, 4 Baird Avenue, Te Kauwhata)
Onewhero-Tuakau 7 December, 4.30pm (Tuakau Memorial Hall, George Street, Tuakau)
(A public forum will be held from 4.00pm)

Taupiri 7 December, 6.30pm (Memorial Hall, Greenlane Road, Taupiri)
Meremere 10 December, 7.00pm (Meremere Hall, Heather Green Avenue, Meremere)


Waikato District Council 14 December, 1.15pm

Note: In the event that the business of any Committee is not concluded on the advertised date, the meeting may be continued on a later date scheduled by the Committee prior to adjournment.

This notice is given under section 46 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.


GJ Ion
Chief Executive

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