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Temporary Road Closure

Notice is hereby given that Waikato District Council, for the purpose of allowing Fletcher Construction to complete works as a part of the Waikato Expressway, will close the Glen Murray Bridge and approaches for the period set out below.

• From 7pm, Friday 20 November to 6am, Wednesday 25 November 2015.
• Glen Murray Bridge and approaches. Note: Access to Churchill Road East and The Boat ramp at Rangiriri will be maintained during this closure from State Highway 1. 

Glen Murray Bridge will remain closed 24 hours a day during the period outlined above.
Detours will be in place for the duration of the closure with signage indicating alternate routes.
Please allow for an additional 30 minutes to your journey time for detours.

In the event of adverse weather conditions, or any other relevant factors, the closure will be moved to the following week (Friday 27 November to Wednesday 2 December 2015).

This notice is given pursuant to the Tenth Schedule of the Local Government Act 1974.

G J Ion
Chief Executive

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