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Proposed Public Places Bylaw 2015

Waikato District Council is seeking feedback on the proposed Public Places Bylaw 2015.

The bylaw regulates a range of activities that happen in public places (roads, streets, parks).
Proposed changes to the Bylaw are:

• New rules banning the use of “legal highs” in public places.
• Restrictions around electoral advertising.
• Amendments to parking restrictions in Huntly, Ngaruawahia and Raglan.
• Removal of freedom camping rules from this bylaw (this will be included in a separate freedom camping bylaw).
• Combining the Franklin District and Waikato District Bylaws.

We want you to ask - are these rules right for me?

Visit or any Council office or library to view the proposed bylaw, statement of proposal and submission from.

Have your say by 30 November 2015

Tell us what you think about what we’re proposing. Make a submission by:
• entering it online at
• emailing it to
• posting it to Waikato District Council, 15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia 3720
• faxing it to (07) 824 8091
• delivering it to any Council Office or library.

A hearing will be held on 2 February 2016 (this is subject to change) if you wish to present your submission in person.

Further Information
If you have any queries/require further information about this notice please contact Craig Birkett on 0800 492 452.

GJ Ion
Chief Executive

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