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State Highway 26/Ruakura Road/Lissette Road Intersection Upgrade

The NZ Transport Agency has lodged a Notice of Requirement to Waikato District Council to alter a designation at the intersection of State Highway 26, Ruakura Road and Lissette Road in order to accommodate a roundabout and associated works.

Description of Proposal

The purpose of this Notice of Requirement is to alter Designation J17 of the Waikato District Plan (WDP) to provide for a roundabout and associated works at the intersection of SH26/Ruakura Road/Lissette Road. More specifically, the Project includes the following:

• Widening of the existing designation to accommodate the roundabout and connections to the existing roading network;
• Provision for stormwater attenuation, treatment and disposal from the intersection upgrade which includes discharging to a wetland via Ruakura Road, and a combination of soakage trenches and swales along Lissette Road;
• Land acquisition from six properties to accommodate the roundabout and connections to existing roads;
• Reinstatement of fences on new legal boundaries and landscaping of the intersection; and
• Installation of additional lighting columns, and signage to improve the safety of the intersection.

In addition to the above works, but outside of the designation boundary, the Transport Agency also proposes to undertake works within private property to address any potential effects of the proposed works on those properties from which land is required.

Location of the Site


Where the documents can be viewed

The Notice of Requirement documentation can be viewed at the following locations during normal opening hours:
• Waikato District Council, 15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia
• Hamilton City Council Library, 9 Garden Place, Hamilton
• Hamilton City Council, Masters Avenue, Hillcrest
Or on Council’s website:

Making a Submission

If you wish to make a submission you may do so by sending a written submission to the Waikato District Council, Private Bag 544, Ngaruawahia, email to fax 07 824 8091, no later than 5pm on Friday 4 September 2015. The submission must be dated, signed by you and include the following information:

1. Your name, postal address, telephone number and fax number (if applicable).
2. Those aspects of the Notice of Requirement in respect of which you are making the submission.
3. Whether you support or oppose the Notice of Requirement in whole or in part.
4. Your submission with reasons.
5. The recommendation you wish the Waikato District Council to make.
6. Whether you wish to be heard in support of your submission.

Submission forms are available from any of the offices, libraries or places listed in this notice or by telephoning Waikato District Council on 07 824 8633.

A copy of your submission must be served as soon as reasonably practicable on the NZ Transport Agency at the address for service stated below.

Further Information

If you have any queries about the Notice of Requirement please contact Andrew Cumberpatch of MWH on 07 839 9856 or

The address for service of the requiring authority (the NZ Transport Agency) is

Contact Person: Craig McKibbin, Opus International Consultants, Private Bag 3057, Waikato Mail Centre, Hamilton 3240
Telephone: 027 231 3414


G J Ion

Notified under section 95A of the Resource Management Act 1991 on 8 August 2015

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