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Horotiu Link Road

Project Update

June 2024 - Works are progressing though conditions have been very challenging with weather and existing services as well as dewatering slowing us down. We aim to open the new intersection in August.

The initial project completion target end of May will not be met due to the need of an extensive de-watering operation required to install 5m deep new wastewater pipes under Horotiu Road.

De-watering is the process in construction projects of removing ground water from a particular location.

On this project it involves the installation of well points (hollow-pointed rods with a perforated intakes driven into excavation areas to lower the water table by constant pumping to minimise flooding during construction). and a pumping operation to draw down the ground water prior to being able to excavate the trench for the wastewater pipes.

While it was known that some of the project work would result in water in the bottom of the trench, the extent and volume of water was unforeseen and hadn’t been encountered elsewhere across the Northgate site area.

This has meant that productivity has been slower as the wellpoints and pump have been moved to keep up with the drain-laying crew.

This process has also required a dewatering consent from Waikato Regional Council which took around six weeks to obtain before the wastewater pipes installation could be started.

Meanwhile, over the next two weeks, the services trench, and some minor drainage and completion of the road foundation for the new road towards Northgate (Road 3) will be finished. The wastewater and the main stormwater lines at the intersection itself will be completed soon.

Once that is done, we will start the Park Road/Horotiu Road intersection kerb and channel work, closely followed by the road foundation layers.

All this means that the project is on track to be finished by the end of June, weather permitting.

The project has been hugely disruptive to the community and Waikato District Council appreciates the patience of local residents during the project.

The end result will be worth it, and the connection between the west, towards Te Kowhai and Great South Rd, Horotiu will be safer for motorists and pedestrians.

Scope of Work

We are going to be starting our construction project to link Horotiu Road to the Northgate Business Park on 15 January 2024. Road closures and diversions will follow from 30 January 2024.

This work involves deep service trenches (up to 5m in depth) substantial changes in level and grade to the existing road to try and mitigate some existing flooding issues, and the relocation of power, water and wastewater infrastructure.

Due to the nature of the works, and the depth and extent of excavations, Horotiu Road, at the Park Road intersection, will be closed for the duration of the project, expected to be four months, from January 30.

The Horotiu Road rail crossing will also be closed to through traffic (residents within the work site, pedestrians and non-vehicular traffic can still cross at the lights) during this time.

What this means for Park Road residents

Access for Park Road residents and their visitors during this time will only be available from the north-eastern end of Great South Road.

Following input from the community, we will be installing a temporary roundabout at the Park Road/Great South Road intersection, and a temporary speed limit of 60kmh will also be put in place on Great South Roath either side of the roundabout to improve safety at this intersection.

What this means for residents from Te Kowhai area who want to get across to Great South Road

Due to Horotiu Road needing to be closed at the Park Road intersection during the work, diversions will be in place and will be clearly marked and signposted.

Following feedback and input from the community, we will be opening Kohia Drive and the new bridge to reduce the length of detour.

As a result, traffic heading east on Horotiu road will need to turn right into Onion Road, left into Holmes Road and then left into the newly constructed Kohia Drive, which links back to Gateway Drive to go through Northgate Business Park.

For those with school children going into Hamilton a new bus stop and shelter will be installed on Great South Road just to the south of the Gateway Drive intersection. Temporary parking for drop off and pick up will be provided on Gateway Drive itself.

If residents wish to travel north, it is best to take Ngaruawahia Road and then Saulbrey Road to link up to Great South Road.

What the project achieves

The new intersection is due to open in August 2024.

The railway crossing on Horotiu Road will be permanently closed to traffic on the completion of this project.

At this time the connecting road through Northgate Business Park to the Great South Road/Horotiu Bridge Road intersection will be open as well.

This means the connection between the west towards Te Kowhai and Great South Rd will be safer for motorists and pedestrians.

When the new intersection is complete, traffic from Park Road will be able to make a right turn on Horotiu Road and then a left turn, giving way to traffic coming from Te Kowhai, to join Great South Road at the lights. 


At a glance
Maaori wards
Tai Runga Takiwaa
General wards
Completion date
August 2024