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Feedback sought on proposed Speed Management Plan

A number of speed limit changes on our roads feature in Waikato District’s Council’s proposed Speed Management Plan consultation, which is open for feedback now.

The government’s Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits was updated in 2022 and removed the requirement for councils to set speed limits through bylaws.

In its place, speed management plans enable a whole of network approach that considers safety-related engineering improvements, speed limit changes and safety camera placement together.

A further update to the government rule was out for consultation in June 2024 with some changes to what speed limits can be implemented based on road type.

The speed limit changes put forward in this proposed Speed Management Plan consultation have been made while cognisant of the proposed changes to ensure that any speed limit changes have considered the requirements of both the 2022 rule and the proposed 2024 rules.

Speed management is about achieving safe and appropriate vehicle speeds that reflect a road’s function, design, safety and use.

Council is encouraging the community to look at the proposed changes for the areas they live in, and travel through, and provide feedback through the consultation process.

The proposed plan has a particular focus on marae, schools, community facilities, roads of concern (based on crash data and customer service requests) and roads/ areas identified through the Speed Limits Bylaw review in 2022.

The proposed Speed Management Plan speed limit changes have been broken down into areas which means you can view proposed changes that may be more relevant to you as an individual.

Comments can be made on a specific road, or section of road, or a wider area.

In simple terms, questions being asked are: do you feel like the proposed speed limit changes are on the right track; mostly right, with some changes; or not right at all?

To get involved, the community is encouraged to go to to take part by 27 November.

Copies of Proposed Speed Management Plans and submission forms, are also  available at Council offices and libraries.

For any other enquiries, please email
