Waikato District Council’s proposed new Water Supply Bylaw 2023 is out for consultation.
The proposed bylaw contains Council’s rules for protecting water supply. The purpose of the bylaw is to:
- Promote the efficient use of water and protect against waste or misuse of water from the water supply system.
- Protect the water supply and water supply system from pollution and contamination.
- Manage and protect from damage, misuse, or loss of land, structures and infrastructure associated with the water supply system.
- Prevent the unauthorised use of land, structures or infrastructure associated with the water supply system.
Council’s water supply network includes almost 18,000 connections, of which 99% are metered.
It is estimated that 50% of rateable properties in the district are connected to a water supply network.
The proposed Water Supply Bylaw 2023 includes rules regarding:
- Accessing and connection to the water supply system, including use of fire hydrants.
- Protection of water sources.
- Connection and disconnecting to the water supply network.
- Ownership and responsibility for maintenance.
- Rules regarding meters and flow restrictors.
Proposed changes to its previous Water Supply Bylaw include:
- Acknowledging Council’s duty regarding Te Ture Whaimana o Te Awa o Waikato (the vision and strategy for the Waikato River).
- Updating the Proposed Bylaw to reflect legislative changes, including references to the Water Service Regulator Act 2020 and Water Services Entity Act 2022, and removing references to Ministry of Health.
- Clarifying rules for the flow and pressure of water. These rules have been changed so that they specify operating standards, instead of just design standards.
- Updating references to Firefighting Water Supplies Code of Practice.
- Requiring each dwelling to have a separate water meter, including when there are two or more dwellings on a property title.
- Noting that it is the customer's responsibility to ensure the toby (water valve) is left in the correct position.
Consultation is open until 5 November and a hearing and deliberations are planned for 22 November.
For further information, including a Statement of Proposal, the proposed Bylaw and submission form – visit www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz/sayit or any Council office or library.
You can tell us what you think about the proposed bylaw by making a submission in the following ways:
- entering it online at www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz/sayit
- emailing it to consult@waidc.govt.nz
- posting it to Waikato District Council, Private bag 544, Ngaaruawaahia 3720
- delivering it to any Council office or library.