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Nominations open for Tuakau Community Board By-Election

Calling all people who are passionate about Tuakau – now is the time to step up and help make your community’s voice heard at Waikato District Council.

Tuakau Community Board has four spaces that need to be filled and nominations are now open for a by-election.

A lack of candidates in the October Local Government elections resulted in three initial vacancies for the board.

That grew to four when Vern Reeve, who was standing for both councillor and community board member, was elected as councillor.

The role of a community board is to express the community’s views on local issues to Council. 

Mayor Jacqui Church, who was Awaroa ki Tuakau Ward Councillor for nine years prior to being elected as mayor, says there is no better time than now to get involved with local government.

“Community boards are an opportunity for locals to help their community and council to support our vision of liveable, thriving and connected communities,” she says.

“Community board members hold an important role in giving a voice to local issues and local people to Council.

“If you’re considering standing then I encourage you to ask questions, reach out if you need help, take the leap and go for it.”

Candidates must be nominated by two electors whose names appear on the electoral roll for the Tuakau Community Board area, and nominations must be made on the appropriate official nomination paper.

Nomination papers are available from Council’s Tuakau and Ngaruawahia Offices, by telephoning 0800 922 822 or via the Waikato District Council website and must be received prior to midday, Thursday 22 December 2022.

The successful candidates will join David Henderson and Grace Tema-Liapaneke, who were elected unopposed in October, to the board.

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