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Draft natural hazards chapter of District Plan opens for feedback

Waikato District Council needs your input on the natural hazards chapter of the Draft District Plan.

The natural hazards chapter (officially known as Stage 2 of the Waikato District Plan Review) proposes a way for us all to manage the risk to people, property and infrastructure from natural hazards.

The draft chapter includes policies and rules, together with the hazard maps, and are available to view on our website and in hard copy at our offices and libraries.

The draft provisions and maps are for consultation only and do not have any legal weight at this stage.

Waikato District Council Planning and Policy Manager Jim Ebenhoh says the natural hazards chapter has been drafted to fit with the other Proposed District Plan chapters which have already been consulted on and are currently in the hearings process.

“We invite you to have a say on the draft natural hazards chapter and the hazard maps between now and 5pm on Friday 1 November 2019. We will be holding a series of public drop-in sessions in Raglan, Ngaruawahia, Huntly, Tuakau and Port Waikato. You are invited to come along to talk to us about the draft policies, rules and maps, as well as the technical information that informed the draft.”

What is in the draft natural hazards chapter?

The Waikato district is vulnerable to a range of natural hazards including flooding, earthquakes, coastal hazards including erosion, land instability and subsidence.

Mr Ebenhoh says the review of the natural hazards chapter has identified the type, scale and frequency of natural hazards that affect the district and where possible, these hazard areas have been mapped to identify where special development controls are needed.

“Technical assessments have helped identify the draft mapped areas. The draft maps cover areas defended by stopbanks and areas at risk of river flooding, coastal erosion, coastal flooding, and the risk of mine subsidence above some parts of the Huntly East Mine. Draft policies and rules have been developed for each of these hazard areas.”

How to provide feedback on the draft:

• Online at

• Download a feedback form from

• Pick up a feedback form from any of our offices or libraries

• Call into one of the public drop-in sessions (see the website for more information on these)

Feedback can be emailed to, posted to Private Bag 544, Ngaruawahia 3742, dropped off at any of our offices or libraries, or handed to us at any of the public drop-in sessions.

Feedback closes at 5pm on Friday 1 November, 2019.


For more information please contact:
Teresa Hancock
Senior Communications & Engagement Advisor
Waikato District Council
027 706 5776

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