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Waikato District Plan hearings start this month

Waikato District Council is making progress with the Proposed District Plan, with hearings for Stage 1 due to start later this month.

Further submissions closed on 16 July and the next step in the process are the hearings, which start on 30 September, 2019 with the first week occupied by opening submissions, legal submissions and an overview of key submissions.

Hearings give submitters an opportunity to voice their submission to the independent hearing panel, present supporting evidence and respond to any questions.

All the latest information, including details around the hearing process and timelines, can be found on Council’s website at

The hearings panel will not make a decision until they have heard from all submitters who wish to be heard. They will also consider evidence including the recommendations from Council staff.

Hearings are open to the public but only submitters who indicated that they wish to be heard are able to speak. It is up to the Hearings Panel to run the hearing how they wish, but the hearing process must be fair and transparent.


For more information please contact:
Teresa Hancock
Senior Communications & Engagement Advisor
Waikato District Council
027 706 5776

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