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Cemeteries bylaw consultation opens today

Consultation has opened today on the Waikato District Council Cemeteries Bylaw.

A 2016 review of Council’s Cemeteries Bylaw restricted the pre-purchasing of plots to only when a relative was to be buried. 

“We received feedback from the public about this and are proposing to amend this clause so plots can be pre-purchased at any time.  The number of plots that can be purchased at any one time is proposed to remain at two,” Cemetery and Halls Officer Deidre MacDonald says.

Submissions close at 5pm on 22 September 2019. You can tell us what you think by making a submission online at, by emailing or post it to Waikato District Council, Attn: Corporate Planner, Private Bag 544, Ngaruawahia 3742.


For more information please contact:
Teresa Hancock
Senior Communications & Engagement Advisor
Waikato District Council
027 706 5776

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