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Tell Council what you want Tuakau

We want your ideas for a bigger and better Tuakau Library.

That’s the message from Waikato District Council as staff ask for community input to its Tuakau Library Refurbishment Project.

Planning for the project has started but co-design with the community is crucial.

The council has a budget of about $1.2 million and the project team has come up with three concept designs as a starting point for consideration.

So, the community is invited to a “Tell Us What You Want Tuakau” Engagement Day at the Tuakau Library on Thursday 2 May from 9am-8pm .

“Our concepts provide a base to work on, but we really want the community to lead this and we’re calling for ideas of what a refurbished Tuakau Library could become,” says General Manager Customer Support Sue O’Gorman.

The community will be invited to choose a preferred concept at the engagement day and share their ideas of what could be included in that option.

“We want to know what would make people go to their library more often.  Do they want more computers to use? Do they want more books? Do they want space to hold meetings?” says Sue.

“But it’s early days, so only two things are certain – this is going to happen and there will be more space for the community to enjoy what their library has to offer.”

Anyone who provides feedback at the engagement day will be in to win cool prizes, including a PS4, $100 Warehouse voucher, $100 Mitre 10 Mega voucher, $100 Briscoes voucher, Samsung Galaxy tablet and more.

There’ll also be plenty of activities to keep the kids entertained throughout the day.

These include a gaming tournament (3pm-6pm), colouring competition, free sausage sizzle (noon-1pm and 4pm-5pm), Dogs in Libraries demo (noon-2pm) and Tuakau Youth Centre performance (4pm-5pm).

For those who can’t attend, there is an opportunity to provide ideas and preferences online on the council website.

“We really encourage people to come along to our engagement day at the library. It’s going to be heaps of fun and there are some awesome prizes up for grabs – all you have to do is give us your ideas and you’re in with a chance,” says Sue.


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