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Come and hear about coastal hazards

Waikato District Council wants to see Port Waikato and Raglan residents this weekend as it continues with land use planning work around coastal hazards and the effects of climate change.

This work forms part of Stage 2 of the Proposed District Plan, which is investigating how the risk of natural hazards and the effects of climate change may affect land use and development across the district. It will also be considering options for managing these effects. 

As Council starts to form what Stage 2 will look like, staff are wanting to meet with residents to discuss the issues and possible solutions and gather public feedback. The first of these open days will be focusing on coastal hazards and will be held this weekend in Port Waikato and Raglan.

Port Waikato - Saturday 3 November, 2018, 10am - 3pm, Port Waikato Surf Club

Raglan - Sunday 4 November, 2018, 10am - 3pm, Raglan Town Hall supper room

Each open day will include two short presentations at 10am and 1pm and there will also be time for the public to speak with experts and Council staff and to provide your suggestions. 


For more information please contact:
Teresa Hancock
Communications Advisor
Waikato District Council
027 706 5776

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