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Attend a community Blueprint workshop to have your say

After a successful first round of Blueprint workshops, Waikato District Council is visiting more towns in the district to hear further from its community.

Waikato District Council General Manager Community Growth Clive Morgan says the first round of workshops in the north of the Waikato district had nearly 200 in attendance. “It was fantastic to see so many from our communities come to a workshop to tell us what they see their towns being like in the future.

“We need to hear from a large cross section of the community so we can ensure our community’s aspirations are included in Council’s key strategic and planning documents going forward. I encourage everyone to come along to these workshops. Invite your friends and neighbours along and make sure your views are heard,” Mr Morgan says.

But what is a Blueprint?

“A Blueprint will show the desired future for the district and a Local Area Blueprint will be focused at a town, village or rural area level. A Blueprint will address growth, infrastructure, social, community, environmental, economic and transport issues. At a local level these are more detailed and specific to the place,” Mr Morgan says.

The first round of community workshops were held in the north of the district in early August. Council wants you to attend the second round of workshops so that you can share your future wants and needs for your community. Your thoughts on what you want your town to be are vital, so if you want to see more parks, police or other social services for example, then you need to come along to the public workshops and tell us.

The workshops are run as practical sessions where small groups will brainstorm ideas and come up with possible solutions and ideas.

For more information about what Blueprints are all about, visit

Details about the public workshops are listed below:

Tamahere/Matangi: Monday 8 October, 6.30pm-8.30pm, Senior classroom block, Tamahere Model Country School

Raglan: Tuesday 9 October, 6.30pm-8.30pm, Raglan Town Hall

Te Kowhai/Whatawhata, Wednesday 10 October, 6.30pm-8.30pm, Te Kowhai Hall

Ngaruawahia/Taupiri/Horotiu, Thursday 11 October, 6.30pm-8.30pm, Ngaruawahia War Memorial Hall


For more information please contact:
Teresa Hancock
Communications Advisor
Waikato District Council
027 706 5776

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