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District Plan consultation continues

Waikato District Council is in the process of reviewing its District Plan and in doing so; we’re talking with a group of property owners who will see a change.

Before we notify the Proposed District Plan in July, Council is consulting with a group of property owners who will see additions to their property in terms of key features.

Council has identified around 60 new heritage buildings as part of work on the Draft District Plan. We’re proposing to add these to the heritage register. This will mean that there will be rules that will control subdivision, use and development of land associated with the heritage building. 

There have also been around 700 significant natural areas identified across the district which cover about 4000 properties. The key change in the Proposed Plan for these property owners is to do with the clearance of Manuka and Kanuka. We’ve also identified 64 important landscapes and natural character areas which cover about 1800 properties.

The Proposed District Plan also provides protection to what we’re calling Maaori sites and areas of significance. These could be ancestral land, waahi tapu, paa sites or other taonga. We’re consulting with around 500 property owners who will have this as an addition to their property. The main change if this is an addition to your property is the inclusion of an earthwork rule.

Those with a new notable tree will also hear from us. There are just over a dozen trees across the district that we are proposing to add to the register. Being listed as a notable tree in the District Plan means there are rules around trimming, destruction and removal of the tree.

For those who receive these letters, we’re holding a series of drop-in sessions which will give you the opportunity to discuss with Council staff how the identification of these features came about and how they might affect you and your property. Come and have a discussion with us or email your thoughts to

Join us at:

  • Saturday 26 May – Waikato District Council Main Foyer Ngaruawahia, 9-11am
  • Saturday 26 May – Tuakau Memorial Hall, 1-4pm
  • Monday 28 May – Raglan Hall Supper Room, 2-6pm
  • Wednesday 30 May – Tamahere Community Centre, 3-7pm 

Note: The Proposed District Plan will bring together the Waikato section and the Franklin section into one district-wide Plan. The Proposed District Plan is a key document for the district and contains policy guidance and rules on the subdivision, use and development of land.

For more information please contact:
Teresa Hancock
Communications Advisor
Waikato District Council
027 706 5776

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