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Launch of Kōtui and e-collection at Waikato district libraries

Waikato district library users are in for a treat with the installation of a new library management system this month. Customers will see a much more user friendly interface and improvements to our collection.

Kōtui is a new library management system that a number of other councils around the country use and soon, Waikato district will also be able to reap these benefits. Kōtui will provide a better service for our customers and an integrated system which will mean you can access our collection from the comfort of your own home at any time of the day.

“Currently, Waikato district library users can only access physical books during operational hours. You’ve told us that you want to access resources outside of business hours. Kōtui will mean you can do just that – you’ll be able to access a range of books, audio and magazines whenever you want,” Customer Delivery Manager Angela Parquist says.

Installing this new software will mean our library systems will be unavailable on 15 and 16 May. We apologise for this inconvenience but you are welcome to still browse the collection and use our spaces over these two days. Council services will still operate as normal.

The new system and e-collection will be launched on 17 May with celebrations taking place at every library site excluding Meremere, who will host their event when they open on 18 May. Exciting events have been planned by our libraries to mark this occasion including musical talent, guest speakers, special Toddler Time sessions, author visits plus much more. Pop along to your local library or give us a call to find out what each site has planned. To celebrate digital access, we’ll also be running a competition with six Samsung tablets up for grabs. Simply join the Waikato District Libraries Facebook group to find out more.

We would love for you to join our team in celebrating this exciting new development.


For more information please contact:
Teresa Hancock
Communications Advisor
Waikato District Council
027 706 5776

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