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Huntly footbridge to be reinstated

Damaged Huntly footbridge

Waikato District Council has put together an approximate work programme to reinstate the Huntly footbridge.

The bridge was removed in September after a truck travelling on State Highway 1 hit it and damaged the two-legged pier that holds the footbridge up on the Main Street side of the bridge.

After working with insurers and completing the required design and tendering processes for the work to go ahead, the following approximate timeframe has been completed:

  • Fabrication of the new pier is due to start on 16 November and will be completed by 22 November
  • Painting and coating of the bridge is due to be completed by 28 November
  • Installation of the new pier and reinstatement of the bridge is planned for 30 November

Please note that this timeframe is subject to change.

In the meantime, pedestrians are reminded to use the following alternative route to get from Main Street to the other side of the bridge site:

  • Main Street to Rayner Road
  • Rayner Road to Ralph Street
  • Ralph Street to William Street
  • William Street to Glasgow Street

Council apologises for the inconvenience caused by the temporary removal of the footbridge.


For more information please contact:
John Brown
Senior Communications Advisor
Waikato District Council
027 889 3084


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