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Council works on Huntly footbridge repair


Waikato District Council staff are assessing the damage and repairs needed for the Huntly footbridge after a truck travelling on State Highway 1 hit it earlier this month.

The footbridge was removed last week but the length of time it will be out of action is unknown at this stage as design and the details of repair work are still being worked through.

The truck damaged the two-legged pier that holds the footbridge up on the Main Street side of the bridge. This needs to be replaced to restore the structural integrity of the footbridge.

Costs of the repair work needed are being investigated and Council staff are working with insurers and the NZ Transport Agency to determine the funding required for the repairs.

While the footbridge is down, pedestrians are being advised on the alternative route to use.

If they are travelling from the west side of the footbridge, the following route will take them to the other side of the footbridge site:

  • Main Street to Rayner Road
  • Rayner Road to Ralph Street
  • Ralph Street to William Street
  • William Street to Glasgow Street

The last time the footbridge was taken down by Council was back in August 2015 when the boom of an excavator on the back of a truck damaged the main footbridge span.

Waikato District Council apologises for the inconvenience caused by the temporary removal of the footbridge.

The community will be updated as soon as more details about the work timeframe become available.

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