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Council invites community hall users to workshops

Tuakau Town Hall

Do you use one of Waikato District Council’s network of community halls?

If you do, there’s an opportunity coming up to share your opinion of the community hall in your area at a series of workshops at the end of the month.

Council commissioned community development specialists Visitor Solutions to support development of a strategy focused on managing its community and Council-run halls more effectively.

As part of that work, Visitor Solutions is supporting Council produce a Halls (Community Space) Strategy and feedback from the workshops will play a key part in forming that strategy.

“We want the community to be able to make the most out of their local community halls. We encourage regular users to share their ideas and thoughts about how the benefits of our halls can be maximised as much as possible,” says Parks and Facilities Manager Amanda Hampton.

Points of discussion at the workshops will include:

  • The needs of hall users
  • What works well at your community hall
  • Potential limitations associated with your community hall and suggestions for addressing these
  • What you see happening at your hall in the future

The dates, times and venues of the workshops are:

Saturday 26 August, Tuakau War Memorial Hall (70 George St), 10.30am-12.30pm

Saturday 26 August, Tuakau War Memorial Hall, 2pm-4pm

Sunday 27 August, Huntly Riverside Rooms (148 Main St), 10.30am-12.30pm

Sunday 27 August, Ngaruawahia Memorial Hall (5 Galileo St), 2pm-4pm

Anyone who is a regular user of a community hall anywhere in the Waikato District is welcome to attend any of these workshops.

To register your attendance, please email or call 027 459 8872.

For more information please contact:
John Brown
Senior Communications Advisor
Waikato District Council
07 824 8633

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