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Pukekawa kerbside refuse collection to start in July

The people of Pukekawa and parts of Onewhero have voted overwhelmingly for a weekly kerbside pre-paid refuse and recycling collection service.

Waikato District Council sent letters last month to about 650 properties, offering three options when it comes to refuse and recycling – a weekly kerbside collection, a monthly recycling drop-off at Pukekawa Hall or no service.

The reaction from the community was fantastic - 65% of letter recipients (431 rate payers) took the time to let Council know their preferred option.

Of those responses, 74% (321) voted in favour of a weekly kerbside pre-paid refuse and recycling collection, which includes a weekly two-crate recycling collection, and an annual inorganic collection.

As a result of this response, the monthly recycling drop-off service at Pukekawa Hall has ceased.

The service will be funded by a targeted rate on all relevant properties, which for 2017/18 will be $131.15.

General Manager Service Delivery Tim Harty is pleased with the outcome of the consultation.

 “We appreciate the passionate response from the community in Pukekawa and Onewhero regarding this issue,” he says. “A 65% response rate is an extraordinary level of engagement for us.”

“We’re happy to be able to bring the weekly kerbside refuse and recycling service from July, which the vast majority of the community of Pukekawa and the surrounding area wants.”

Letters will be sent out to the relevant residents and ratepayers confirming the service and they will receive an introductory Less Waste Saves More refuse and recycling guide and two recycling crates.

Collection days will also be confirmed before the service starts in July.

Council’s Less Waste Saves More strategy supports our district-wide waste minimisation goals through a user-pays approach for households who have a kerbside waste collection.

Monthly drop-off recycling services at Onewhero and Glen Murray will continue, but will be reviewed by Council in the coming months.

Council has put the exploration of options for a recycling drop-off facility in Tuakau on hold. Due to the difficulty in finding an appropriate site, there is no certainty that this potential service will materialise.

For more information please contact:

John Brown
Communications Advisor
Waikato District Council
07 824 8633

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