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Monthly recycling drop-off days return

Waikato District Council is reinstating monthly recycling drop-off days for the rural communities of Pukekawa, Onewhero and Glen Murray until a solution to the delay in the opening of a central drop off site in Tuakau is found.

Last week it was announced that these collections would cease, even though the opening of the new recycling drop-off site in Tuakau had been delayed.

It was initially planned that the site in Tuakau, run by Smart Environmental, would open on 20 February.

But due to the need to increase the scope of services currently permitted under the site’s resource consent, a new resource consent process needs to be undertaken.

Council is currently working through this, but the length of time that this may take has meant that Council has reversed its initial decision to stop the monthly drop-off days immediately.

These will be in place until the situation with the Tuakau site is clear.

General Manager Service Delivery Tim Harty says Council acknowledges the uncertainty and concern that the process so far has caused the affected communities.

 “We understand their frustration and apologise to residents for the inconvenience caused,” he says.

“We hope this solution will go some way to alleviate those communities’ concerns.”

For more information please contact:
John Brown
Communications Advisor
Waikato District Council
07 824 8633

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