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Refuse and recycling one day later over festive season

Refuse and recycling collections over the festive season will occur one day later than usual.

As is normally the case residents will need to put their refuse and recycling out one day later than usual for the weeks starting Sunday 25 December and Monday 2 January. By Monday 9 January, services will return to normal.

Those in Port Waikato however, will have no change on Sunday 1 January or Sunday 8 January.

A reminder of these changes are also posted on Council’s websiteFacebook and Twitter accounts and area offices and libraries will also have details of the change. You will also find the details of when Council offices, libraries and the refuse and recycling transfer stations in the district (Huntly, Te Kauwhata and the Raglan Resource Recovery Centre) will be closed.

Waikato District Council wishes everyone a safe and happy holiday season.

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