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Raglan's boil water notice lifted

Raglan, the boil water notice has today been lifted after further tests were given the all clear. You can now use water as normal.

Raglan’s water supply was affected after the 7.8 earthquake last Monday morning and the continuing aftershocks.

After the earthquakes the spring which supplies Raglan’s water turned dirty and the water treatment plant had to be closed down.

A first round of tests were ordered for e.Coli and heavy metals. Council then tankered water into the Raglan Bow Street reservoir day and night for four days to keep up with drinking water demand while these tests were carried out. Following this a second round of testing was done to ensure no issues were introduced when the treatment plant was turned on again. 

Waikato District Council sincerely thanks the Raglan community and businesses for their patience and support over the past week in such trying circumstances.

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