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Thanks extended to Raglan community and businesses

Waikato District Council would like to sincerely thank the Raglan community and businesses for their patience and support over the past week.

A big thanks also needs to go to the many companies who supported Council this week, including the 13 water tanker companies who delivered well in excess of 3 million litres of water to the town over four days. The companies dropped everything to offer their support and some came from as far away as North Harbour. The residents of Upper Bow Street were also particularly patient while trucks moved around day and night.

Council also received donations of water from Foodstuffs including Dinsdale Countdown and Four Square Raglan, great support from the Ngaruawahia and Raglan Volunteer Fire Brigades, Raglan SuperValue and BP Raglan. Waikato District Health Board were also on hand to offer support.

A boil water notice continues to be in place despite the reservoirs refilling overnight. The treatment plant was able to be turned on again yesterday afternoon and further tests are being carried out to ensure water quality and safety.

Raglan’s water supply was affected after the 7.8 earthquake on Monday morning and continuing aftershocks. After the earthquakes the spring which supplies Raglan’s water turned dirty and the water treatment plant had to be closed down. Tests were ordered for e Coli and heavy metals. Council tankered water into the Raglan Bow Street reservoir day and night for four days to keep up with drinking water demand. 


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