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Planning Pokeno’s future

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Pokeno residents are invited to a Pokeno Community Committee drop-in session on Saturday [29 October] to help with plans for the town’s future development.

The session, which runs from 10am to 2pm at the Pokeno Community Hall, is a chance for residents to map out ideas – literally – about their ideas of what Pokeno should look like.

At the invitation of the Community Committee, Waikato District Council planners will be at the session with large maps of the town and marker pens for residents to draw in their ideas about town spaces and any other ideas they may have for the future.

Pokeno Community Committee chair Helen Clotworthy says “It’s not often that you get the chance to actually participate in preparing a plan for your town’s future development.  This is one of life’s rare opportunities.”

Waikato District Council General Manager Strategy and Support Tony Whittaker says the Council is pleased that the Community Committee has taken this initiative and is happy to attend in support.

“It helps us to take into account the community’s wishes when we are planning for the growth that we’re expecting for Pokeno in the next few years.”
