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Raglan Library mural to be repaired

You may notice the Raglan Library mural disappear for a few months – but don’t worry, it will be back! 

Earlier this year the mural was damaged during a late night incident, involving a tourist.

“We will be removing the mural over the next few weeks, and it is expected to take a few months to repair,” says Customer Delivery Manager Angela Parquist.

The mural was created by local artist Simon Te Wheoro in 2015, who was given the opportunity by the Waikato District Council and the Raglan Placemaking team.

The mural reflects Raglan as a community and acknowledges Tangata Whenua and the diverse culture of Whaingaroa.

“It is a beloved piece of artwork that holds a very special place in the heart of the Raglan community.” 

Te Wheoro will be undertaking the repairs. 

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