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Raglan wastewater report going to Council's Infrastructure Committee

Three wastewater spills in Raglan in four months is nowhere near good enough, Waikato District Council acknowledges.

Staff have prepared a report outlining a range of options that will go to Council’s Infrastructure Committee on Tuesday for consideration. The report will then be tabled at the Raglan Community Board meeting that same day for their information.
The report features a recommendation asking Council to approve $295,000 to be used to undertake immediate improvements to the wastewater network in Raglan. 

“While Council’s Long Term Plan contains a series of works that are aimed to manage the wastewater network and reduce overflows over time, it is clear that this is not sufficient and further works and funding is needed to better manage and reduce the risk in this area,” General Manager Service Delivery Tim Harty says.

If approved, the funds would cover a range of “just do its” including the installation of SMS backups at all 18 Raglan pump stations, the installation of a backup generator among other things at the Greenslade Road pump station. It also includes a public education programme aimed at letting the community know what they can do to help.

In the report, Mr Harty says, “Council acknowledges it has considerable work to do to restore public confidence in the management of our wastewater schemes.”

NOTE: Council’s Infrastructure meeting starts at 9am on Tuesday, 9 August. The Raglan Community Board meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Bow Street on the same day from 2pm. The agenda for both can be found on Council’s website.

For more information please contact:

Teresa Hancock
Communications Advisor
Waikato District Council
07 824 8633 Extn: 5649
027 889 3084 

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