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A place for the pooch to play in Tamahere and Pokeno

WDC Te Kauwhata 0108

Waikato District Council is proposing to turn part of the Pokeno Domain and part of Tamahere’s Te Awa Reserve into dog exercise areas under the Dog Control Bylaw.

There are currently 715 dogs registered to residents in Pokeno and more than 800 dogs in Tamahere but, at the moment, there are no off-lead dog exercise areas for the communities to use.

“When Waikato District Council reviewed its Dog Control Bylaw and Policy in 2014/2015 members of the Pokeno and Tamahere communities expressed their desire to have a dog exercise area but unfortunately no suitable areas were identified at that time,” says Animal Control Team Leader Megan May.

“Since that time, Tamahere residents have suggested the river walkway as a suitable area. This area was again suggested as suitable during the recent consultation process for the Parks and Reserves Management Plan. We have also investigated the possibility of turning part of the Pokeno Domain into a dog exercise area, and feel that it is a suitable location for our Pokeno people. It’s important that we provide services to these residents and their four-legged friends.”

Waikato District Council is now asking for feedback on these proposed dog exercise areas.

“We want people to tell us what they think of the proposed areas.”

Maps of the exact locations can be found on our website:

People can make a submission by entering it online at, by emailing or by downloading the feedback form on our website and delivering it to and faxing it to (07) 824 8091 or delivering it to any Council Office or library.

Submissions close on 24 August.

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