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Wastewater overflow in Raglan confirmed

Waikato District Council can now confirm a wastewater overflow took place in Raglan.

The event occurred on Thursday 26 May at around 1pm. The overflow came from a manhole located next to the Whitley Street pump station. The manhole is in the footpath at the intersection of Whitley Street and Wainui Road.

The overflow occurred during a period of high rainfall. It is estimated that up to 2m3 [2,000 litres] was discharged into the nearby catchpit. The wastewater then travelled through the main under the road into Raglan Harbour. Council will be in a better position to give a more accurate level of discharge once further investigation has taken place.

Signs were put in place last Friday (27 May) advising the community not to swim, fish or collect shellfish in Raglan Harbour until further notice.

Council has been undertaking daily testing of water in the Raglan Harbour since Friday, with confirmed results available later this week. These results will tell us how long the advisory signs need to be in place for.

Council is now preparing a report on the incident for Waikato Regional Council which will also be also shared with Raglan Community Board and key stakeholders.

NOTE: A further update will be provided later in the week once results of the water tests come back.

For more information contact:
Teresa Hancock
Communications Advisor
Waikato District Council
07 824 8633 Extn: 5649
027 889 3084

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