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Council confirms elected members’ remuneration

At its meeting today Waikato District Council (WDC) made recommendations to the Remuneration Authority for elected members’ pay increases in line with the Government’s latest review.

“These overall increases recognise what is involved in having those elected to public office support a diverse, growing and geographically large district,” says Chief Executive, Gavin Ion.

The remuneration increases apply to the district’s ward councillors, Council committee chairs, Mayor, Deputy Mayor and the chairs and members of community boards. 

Remuneration of elected members is determined by the Remuneration Authority and reviewed each year.   While councils have discretion to identify additional duties for the Authority to consider, it cannot decline the Authority’s baseline, 2% cost of living increases as applied to rural authorities.

At its meeting Council also resolved to submit its policies on gifts, hospitality, conferences, sensitive expenditure and reimbursement for mileage and expenses to the Authority for approval.

The increases if confirmed by the Remuneration Authority, would take effect from 1 July 2016.

For more information on the Remuneration Authority, its role and the review process may be found at www.

For more information please contact:
Anne Beex
Communications Manager
Waikato District Council
07 824 8633
027 509 8907

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