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Marine Parade wastewater overflow report circulated

At this month’s Raglan Community Board meeting, members will receive a summary report on the Good Friday Marine Parade wastewater overflow.

Waikato District Council General Manager Service Delivery, Tim Harty will also provide board members with an overview of Raglan’s wastewater network including its condition and capacity after concerns were raised about the town’s network following the overflow.

Council has estimated approximately 30 cubic metres of untreated wastewater entered the Raglan Harbour on 25 March. This is an increase on the 10 cubic metres first estimated.

Mr Harty says it was very unfortunate the wastewater overflow occurred over a long weekend, but he thanked the public for their patience and understanding while staff worked to deal with the issue.

A ban on taking fish and seafood was put in place. This has since lifted. Council also advised the public not to swim in the harbour until results of tests had come back. All activities around the harbour have now resumed.

“Waikato District Council has initiated an internal investigation and Waikato Regional Council is also undertaking a detailed investigation,” Mr Harty says.

The result of Waikato District Council’s internal investigation is expected to be made available late May, early June.  

The Raglan Community Board meeting takes place on 10 May from 2pm. 

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