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Port Waikato security surveillance to be upgraded

Port Waikato 0001 16x9

The Onewhero-Tuakau Community Board has voted to allocate $5,000 discretionary funding to the Port Waikato Residents and Ratepayers Association to help with the purchase and installation of digital security cameras to replace and upgrade the current analogue cameras that have been operating in the area to deter crime.

For a total cost of $11,500, three new cameras will provide greater coverage of the access roads into Port Waikato, as well as the Sunset Beach carpark, enhanced image quality, and real time wireless access to the police.

The application for funding from the Port Waikato Residents and Ratepayers Association had the support of the Sunset Beach Lifeguard Service, the Port Waikato School Camp and the Port Waikato Yacht Club. 

At its March meeting the Onewhero-Tuakau Community Board also voted to allocate $3,362-72 to the Tuakau Youth Hunt for signs prohibiting unlawful hunting and stock theft in the Onewhero, Port Waikato and Wairamarama rural areas, and to allocate $350 to the Onewhero Society of Performing Arts towards the cost of organizing a short playwriting competition.

For more information please contact:
Crystal Beavis
Senior Communications Advisor
Waikato District Council
07 824 8633

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