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Waikato District Council's new design guide for Pokeno

Future development in Pokeno’s main street will need to align with Waikato District Council’s new design guide.

Council recently adopted the new document which provides design principles for the look of any new development on the village’s main street.

Strategy & Support General Manager, Tony Whittaker says implementation of the design guide has been driven by the Waikato District Plan which recognises the effect design has on the future vitality and economic potential of a town centre.

“The approved guide sets out design assessment criteria which can be used in the consideration of applications for properties within the Pokeno Business Zone, and specifically the ‘look’ of a building facade.

“The design assessment criteria cover a wide range of matters to ensure that developments within the town centre will reflect good urban design practice.”

Mr Whittaker says the new design guide has been developed in consultation with the Pokeno community who were keen to maintain the appearance and personality of the current village.

“Over the past 18 months we’ve invited the community to share their ideas about what should, or in some cases shouldn’t, be included in the design of future buildings or redevelopment of existing properties. This feedback has helped develop a guide that outlines the architectural form, materials and signage requirements for consideration by developers and consents staff when processing resource applications in this village.

“Anyone wishing to develop a site on the main street in future will need to be aware of the design principles before they prepare building plans and consent applications.”

Any queries regarding the new design guidecan be directed to Council’s Consents team on 0800 492 452.

For more information contact:

Erin Rangi-Watt
Senior Communications Advisor
Waikato District Council
07 824 8633 Extn: 5900
027 551 1601 

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