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Inorganic refuse collections just around the corner

It’s time to start preparing for this year’s inorganic refuse collection.

From 1 November, Council will be collecting inorganic refuse such as unwanted furniture, lawnmowers, carpet, televisions or appliances from households in the Waikato district that have a black-bag kerbside refuse and recycling collection.

General Manager Service Delivery, Tim Harty, says communities need to make themselves aware of the collection dates for their area and most importantly when to put their inorganic refuse on the kerbside.
“We’ll ensure communities are well informed about their relevant collection date through our website and Facebook page, mailbox fliers, posters, and local newspapers.

“We’re asking residents to be considerate to the community by not placing rubbish out days before they should.  Council may take action if inorganics are placed on the kerb outside of approved collection times.

“It is important to make sure your pile of inorganic items is less than two metres long by one metre wide, and are placed on the kerbside on your specified day, not before. Placing items out too early creates an eyesore, leads to scavenging and general untidiness.”

Mr Harty explains, “In recent years during this collection we have experienced an increase in illegal dumping of inorganic waste as households use it as an opportunity to dump unwanted items. This is extremely unfair on the communities who pay for this service.

It is important that anyone from outside the district pay for their own waste disposal and not force this cost on our ratepayers. We’re asking the community to report any suspected illegal dumping to us so that action can be taken. If you do see anything suspicious please call 0800 492 452.”

Residents with queries specific to the Inorganic collection should contact Metrowaste on 0800 130 908.

Additional information: Raglan, Tuakau, Onewhero, Pokeno and Port Waikato won’t miss out either; they’ll be given an opportunity to drop items to allocated destinations on set dates.

For more information please contact:

Nadine Rogers
Communications Assistant
Waikato District Council
07 824 8633 Extn: 5778


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