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Have your say: What could your neighbourhood reserve look like?

What could your local neighbourhood reserve look like in the future and what purpose should it serve for you, your family and your community?

That’s what Waikato District Council is keen to learn before it starts drafting a Neighbourhood Parks Reserve Management Plan which will outline the future use, management and development of the spaces it administers across the district.

Council’s Service Delivery General Manager, Tim Harty explains this particular management plan follows on from the Sports Parks Reserve Management Plan and General Reserve Policies Management Plan adopted by Council earlier this year.

“Neighbourhood parks are passive spaces primarily provided for use by local communities for casual recreation, play, relaxation, community activity, links to other areas, or quiet open space.

“We’re fortunate to have a number of neighbourhood parks in our community so we need to work with residents on the best way to manage and develop their future use.”

 For more information please contact:

Erin Rangi-Watt
Senior Communications Advisor
Waikato District Council
07 824 8633 Extn: 5900
027 551 1601



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