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Mayor's Column - April 2015

As we commemorate the 100 year anniversary of the Gallipoli landing we’re reminded of the commitment made by thousands of men and women who served, and continue to serve, our country.

The events of 25 April not only shaped a day of everlasting significance for all New Zealanders, but it also helped cultivate an Anzac spirit founded on courage, camaraderie and commitment.

I believe this Anzac spirit lives on in our community today.

There are many men and women, young and old, across our district whose dedication to the development and safety of their communities may not be acknowledged but certainly doesn’t go unnoticed.

From coaching on a sports field to the friendly meals on wheels delivery driver; to the assistant volunteering in the Church op shop, a St Johns or Fire Brigade member, the ‘walking school bus’ parent or an SPCA minder; more recently perhaps you were an official collector for the RSA’s Red Poppy Day.

Thank you. You are providing an extremely valuable service to your community.

One group serving your community is the local Community Board or Committee, an invaluable Council partner. With their ear to the ground they often have the inside news on how the community is feeling about new or existing projects and can be the middle-man to keep us honest.

That’s certainly been the case over recent weeks with our Long Term Plan community engagement. Community Board and Committee members encouraged residents to provide feedback on the 10 year plan either in written submissions, or by chatting with Council staff out and about at community events. We appreciate this support and we’re pleased to have received over 500 submissions.

I’d encourage you to thank a volunteer in your community. Our success may be the result of their hard work, commitment and community spirit.

Allan Sanson

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