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Council seeks alliance partner

Waikato District Council will shortly enter a tender process for district wide road network maintenance services as a result of a Council decision on 17 February.

The Council resolved to move to an alliance approach for providing these services which will see it partner with a suitably qualified organisation and is in anticipation of the 30 June expiry of a number of roading related contracts.

Chief Executive, Gavin Ion, says in coming to its decision to pursue an alliance model Council had completed comprehensive evaluations of all the options and kept an open mind, including entering another traditional contract.

“Providing network services via an alliance model is not new and, in fact, is increasingly the norm amongst local authorities in New Zealand,” he said. “Council has determined this option as providing the most cost efficient and effective network services for residents, ratepayers and road users going forward.”

The alliance model provides the opportunity for existing and new contractors to tender to deliver the services either directly or as subcontractors.

“Over the next few months it is business as usual. We are committed to maintaining the road network and to delivering quality services to our ratepayers. Networks still need maintenance, planning needs to continue and our roads need to remain safe and well managed,” he said.

A final decision from the tender process and on an alliance partner will be made by Council and is expected in mid-May. It would then move to the implementation stage of the process.

For more information please contact:

Anne Beex
Communications Manager
Waikato District Council
07 824 8633 Extn: 5900
027 509 8907

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