Furniture Restoration Repair Cafe - Tamahere
Come and get your creaky or cracked furniture repaired under the guidance of a furniture restoration specialist at our community repair-cafe style event! No more squeaky chairs!
Brought to you by the Waikato District Council Waste Minimisation Fund, and in partnership with The ReCreators!
What to expect
The day starts with a 45-minute talk and demonstration of repair techniques, including:
- Learn how to repair breaks, cracks, splits, and bora.
- The 4 stages of wooden furniture restoration: Strip/ Sand/ Stain/ Seal.
- A walk through all the repair tools and products.
Following this there is 4 hours of repair cafe time where the participants repair their furniture with the help of our specialist. Please bring a piece of furniture from home with you to restore.
Tickets are $5 each - Places are limited so book your place so you don't miss out!