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Waikato Raupatu River Trust and Waikato District Council Co-Governance Joint Management Meeting

Location: Manu Koorero Building, Waikato Tainui Endowment College, Old Taupiri Road, Hopuhopu

******** AMENDMENT - Friday 26 April 2024 ******

Due to a late change the date of 1st WRRT-WT JMA hui for 2024 needs to be moved to: Monday, 20 April 2024 

This Committee provides the framework for Waikato-Tainui, as trustee of the Waikato Raupatu River Trust, and the Waikato District Council to work together to give effect to the Waikato River Settlement.

The committee will meet at least twice each calendar year.

Co-Chairpersons: Her Worship the Mayor Jacqui Church and Ms Hinerangi Raumati-Tu'ua (Co-Chair)

Council Representatives: Deputy Mayor Carolyn Eyre, Cr Janet Gibb, Cr Kandi Ngataki

Trust Representatives: Huirama Matatahi, Rangitamoana Wilson, Donald Turner (alternate)

Meeting frequency: To meet at least twice each calendar year.

Quorum: 4 members (being 2 Council representatives; 2 Trust representatives)
