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Council Workshop - LTP

Location: Council Chambers, Ngaruawahia

Purpose of workshop:

The purpose of the LTP Workshops is to have regular, ongoing discussions on the 2021-31 LTP project. 

The focus for this session will be on the following two topics:

Topic 1: Facilities Level of Service
Purpose: To present the Facilities Asset Management Plan including a discussion on the Levels of Service.

Topic 2: Solid Waste Level of Service
Purpose: To present the Solid Waste Asset Management Plan including a discussion on the Levels of Service.

Please note:

Workshops are for staff to seek direction and feedback from elected members – no decisions are made at a workshop.

The workshop may be shortened if the elected members need to discuss a matter with the public excluded (e.g. due to commercial sensitive information, or to protect legal privilege).

Please contact the Democracy Team if you have any queries about this workshop.



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