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Chief Executive Performance Review Committee Meeting - Extraordinary

Location: Zoom - Audio-Visual Conference, Ngaruawahia

The Chief Executive’s Performance Review Committee has responsibility to coordinate and manage the annual performance and remuneration reviews of the Chief Executive.

Chair: His Worship the Mayor Allan Sanson

Deputy Chair: Deputy Mayor Bech

Membership: Mayor Sanson, Councillors Gibb, Patterson and Sedgwick.


Please note:

Due to Covid-19, we are using Zoom to record and live-stream workshops and meetings that are open to the public. These live-streams can be viewed on the Council's YouTube page.

Substantial issues on the agenda are discussed with the public excluded and as such, these sections of the meeting will not be part of the live-stream.

Details of the Committee and its agendas can be viewed on  the Council’s website

Video recordings of meetings can also be accessed on under 'Agendas.' below, after the meeting has been held.

For more information you can contact the Democracy Team.

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