Council Workshop - LTP
Purpose of workshop:
To provide information on the points raised at the 17 April workshop regarding Communications and Engagement. Staff will be seeking feedback on the approach. In addition to this, staff will be seeking feedback on the way we engage our communities. This will inform both the Communications and Engagement Strategy and the review of the Significance and Engagement Policy.
This is a facilitated workshop.
Please note:
Due to Covid-19, we are using Zoom to record and livestream workshops and meetings that are open to the public. You can access the livestreamed workshop and recordings of open meetings on the Council’s YouTube page.
Workshops are for staff to seek direction and feedback from elected members – no decisions are made at a workshop.
The live-stream of the workshop may be shortened if the elected members need to discuss a matter with the public excluded (e.g. due to commercial sensitive information, or to protect legal privilege).
Please contact the Democracy Team if you have any queries about this workshop.