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Past events

Te Kauwhata Community Committee Elections

Location: St Johns Hall, 4 Baird Avenue, Te Kauwhata

What is a Community Committee?
A group of people from your community that come together once a month to discuss what is happening in your slice of the district. Committee members are a part of the decision-making process for important matters including funding for local projects. Waikato District Council share information in these meetings and the Councillor that represents your community attends too.

Who is this for?
If you live in the Te Kauwhata area then this is for YOU! If you care about what’s happening in your community then come along to hear more about the Committee and see if you want to put your name forward.

How do I get elected?
Committee elections are open to the public. All you need to do is turn up and put your name forward if you want to be a part of a group that support your community, or to vote for or against others who are also keen to stand.

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