Below you will find all other forms which you can download and complete.
Can't find the information you need? Please contact us.
View building related forms
For more information on the building consent application process please refer to our Consents, building and property page.
Application for a Managers Certificate
Complete to form to apply for a Manager Certificate
Application for Club Licence or Renewal of Club Licence
Complete the form to apply for a Club Licence or to renew a Club Lincence.
Application for Off-Licence or Renewal of Off-licence
Complete this form to apply for an Off-Licence or Renewal of an Off-licence
Application for On-Licence or Renewal of On-licence
Complete this form to apply for an On-Licence or Renewal of an On-licence.
Application for renewal of managers certificate
Apply to renew your managers certificate.
Application for Special Licence-Premises
Download an fill in the form to apply for a special licence to sell alcohol.
Application for temporary authority
Apply for a permit to continue the sale and supply of alcohol for a period not exceeding three months.
Checklist for club premises
Download or complete checklist for club premises online.
Checklist for off-licensed premises
Download or complete checklist for off-licensed premises online.
Checklist for on-licensed premises
Download or complete checklist for on-licensed premises online.
Notice of management change
Complete this form if management changes. For example the appointment of a new manager, temporary manager or acting manager and if a manager leaves or changes position.
Application to release impounded stock
Apply to have stock released from being impounded.
Apply for a responsible dog owner license
Apply to become classified as either a selected dog owner or a farm dog owner.
Has your dog passed away?
If your dog has passed away, please complete the form to let us know and to request a registration fee refund.
Notify a change in a registered dog
Notify Council if the details of an existing registered dog have changed e.g. if they are neutered or microchipped. If your dog is new to the district, please register your dog for the first time.
Official information request for details of registered owner of dog
Apply to get the name and address of a dog owner. Note: there are only a limited number of reasons this can be granted as per the Dog Control Act 1996.
This form is NOT for new registrations or change of address.
Register a dog for the first time
Register your new dog with Council before they're three months old or transfer your dog from another Council.
Renew or pay your dog's registration
Please pay your dog registration fee by the due date shown on the renewal notice or invoice.
Request replacement dog disc / strap
Apply to replace a lost or stolen dog registration disc or strapz.
Request waiver of an animal fine
If you believe you are unfairly being charged an animal fine, you may request that Council waive the fine.
Want to have more than two dogs in a residential area?
If you live in a residential or rural/residential area (previously country living zone), you need a permit to have more than two dogs, even if you don't own all of them. A permit is not required for a rural zoned property.
Application for issue of burial warrant
Apply for a burial warrant.
Application for monument permit
Apply to carry out monumental work in the district’s cemeteries.
Reservation of burial plot
Reserve a burial plot in one of Waikato District Council’s cemeteries.
Application for temporary road closure
Apply for temporary closure of a road to hold a motorsport event. Note: This application must be submitted to Council at least three months prior to the proposed event.
Reserve event application form
Use this form when you have already submitted your Reserve event application form above and you have been instructed to secure keys.
Reserves and key bond form
Use this form when you have already submitted your Reserve event application form above and you have been instructed to secure keys.
Reserves and key bond refund application
Use this form once your event is over and you return the reserve keys to get your bond refunded.
Application for registration Food Act 2014
Apply for registration under the Food Act 2014. Note: complete this application along with the scope of operations.
Application for trading in public places licence
Apply for a licence to sell goods or food in a public place.
Scope of Operations for National Programme 1 Business
Use this form to let Council know exactly what your food business does. Note: complete this form along with an application for registration Food Act 2014.
Scope of Operations for National Programme 2 Business
Use this form to let Council know exactly what your food business does. Note: complete this form along with an application for registration Food Act 2014.
Scope of Operations for National Programme 3 Business
Use this form to let Council know exactly what your food business does. Note: complete this form along with an application for registration Food Act 2014.
Scope of Operations for Simply Safe and Suitable template
Use this form to let Council know exactly what your food business does. Note: complete this form along with an application for registration Food Act 2014.
Community Boards & Community Committee Funding
Community Boards and Committees now manage their own funding. Waikato District Council provides funding to these boards and committees to assist community groups, non-commercial groups and voluntary organisations operating within our district for events and projects.
Community Wellbeing Trust Fund application
Waikato District Community Wellbeing Trust funding is available for capital projects throughout the Waikato district. The application must also demonstrate broad community support for the project.
Creative Communities Fund application
This funding is available for projects happening in the Waikato District Council area.
Port Waikato Wellbeing fund
Bouncing back after Cyclone Gabrielle can be a real struggle for communities that were hit hard by such damage and disruption.
To help support local initiatives that can help bring people together and improve community wellbeing, Waikato District Council has received a grant of $26,377 from the Ministry of Social Development.
Rural Ward Funding
Waikato District Council has funding available to assist community groups, non-commercial groups and voluntary organisations operating within our rural areas for projects that benefit the wider communities.
HAIL application form
Apply for a Hazardous Activities and Industries List (HAIL) report. Note: HAIL reports take 10 working days to process.
Site history checklist
Use this checklist so Council can assess the potential for contamination on the site for the purpose of a building consent and/or resource consent.
Application for housing for the elderly
Apply for housing for the elderly.
Eligibility criteria for housing for the elderly
Use this criteria to see if you would qualify for housing for the elderly in the Waikato district.
Medical certificate
Submit a medical certificate when applying for housing for the elderly.
Request a new library item
If our libraries do not currently hold an item that you are keen to access, you can make a request for it to be purchased by Waikato District Libraries using this online form.
Waikato District Libraries membership application
Apply to be a member of the district’s libraries.
Application for return of seized and impounded equipment
Apply to have your seized and impounded equipment returned.
Seized and impounded property part payment agreement
Use this form to enter into an agreement with Council to part-pay for seized and impounded property. Note: property is not recoverable until the full fee has been paid.
Request for official or personal information
Request official or personal information under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the Privacy Act 1993.
Request waiver of a parking fine
If you believe you are unfairly being charged a parking fine, you may request that Council waive the fine.
Affected persons written approval for permitted boundary activities - Form 8B
Apply to give permission for boundary activities to take place. This form must be completed when applying for a Permitted Boundary Activity.
Affected persons written approval for resource consent (landuse and subdivision consents) - Form 8A
Apply to give permission for activities subject to a resource consent to take place.
Application for a Certificate of Compliance
Apply for a Certificate of Compliance (Section 139, Resource Management Act 1991)
Application for change or cancellation of consent condition
Apply for a change or cancellation of a consent condition.
Application for extension of a lapsing period for a resource consent
Apply for an extension of a lapsing period for a resource consent.
Application for outline plan – outline plan waiver
Apply for an outline plan or outline plan waiver.
Application for permitted boundary activity
Apply for permitted boundary activity.
Application for resource consent
Apply for a resource consent. You will also need to complete the supplementary packs if this is for a subdivision or land-use.
Application for resource consent - supplementary pack land-use
Complete this form if you are applying for resource consent for a land-use.
Application for resource consent - supplementary pack subdivision
Complete this form if you are applying for resource consent for a subdivision.
Lodgement of Notice of Objection to Resource Consent Matters
Use this form to formally object to a Decision to decline/Conditions of Consent/Additional costs incurred over and above the lodgement fee/Returned application under S88/Submission Strike Out
Request for pre-application advice
Request to have a Council staff member give advice prior to applying for a resource consent.
Order a Land Information Memorandum (LIM)
A LIM is a summary of the information Council holds on a specific property.
Request for property information
Request rates information for a property.
Apply for remission of property rates
Apply for a remission (reduction) of property rates under Council's rates remission policy, or where it is otherwise fair and reasonable to do so.
Apply for remission of property rates penalties
Apply for a remission (reduction) of property rates late payment penalties.
Change of address
It is important to let our rates team know as soon as possible if your postal address changes. It's a simple process. Just complete this online form and our rates team will email you to confirm your address has been changed.
Objection to valuation form
Use this form to object a property’s valuation.
Rates rebate application form
Apply for a rates rebate for the current financial year.
Request to pay rates and water bills by direct debit
Request and provide authority to Council to pay your rates bills by direct debit from your nominated bank account.
Request to receive rates or water bills by email
Say goodbye to snail mail and receive your rates or water bills by email.
Request to withhold rating owner details
Request to have name and postal address details withheld from the Rating Information Database.
Solicitor settlement request
Request for rates information if you are re-financing or selling your property.
A1 preliminary notification of project works in the road
Notify us of proposed work within the road boundary.
A9 works completion notice
Use this form to let us know that the approved work within the road boundary is complete.
Application for a no spray zone
Apply to have a no spray zone on the roadside verge outside your property.
Application for livestock dairy crossing unit
Apply for a permit so dairy livestock can cross a Council road. If not dairy livestock, refer to ‘ Application for livestock moving permit’.
Application for livestock moving permit
Use this form when you want to move livestock regularly along one or more public roads and/or take non-dairy stock directly across a road in order to access different parts of the same property, or from one property to another.
Application for RAPID number
Apply for a RAPID (Rural Address Property Identification) or urban street number.
Application for stock underpass
Apply to have a stock underpass installed. This form also outlines details around building consents and the subsidy available from Council for installing a stock underpass.
Application for temporary fence
Apply to put a fence between the road reserve boundary on Council roads. Note: use of iron waratahs, concrete posts and barbed wire for temporary roadside fences is prohibited.
Application for temporary road closure
Apply for temporary closure of a road to hold a motorsport event. Note: This application must be submitted to Council at least three months prior to the proposed event.
Application for vehicle entranceway (driveway)
Apply for a new, upgraded or relocated driveway.
Road crash reporting form
Use this form to report a road crash
Traffic Management Plan form
Use this form to complete a traffic management plan for larger scale work such as stop/go. Submit it to
Traffic Management Plan guidelines
Use these guidelines to assist you with completing a traffic management plan for larger scale work.
Application for a waters capacity assessment
Apply for a waters capacity assessment if you are planning to apply for a building consent or purchasing a property for development that will will result in two or three dwellings on a single property or title in the medium-density residential zone.
Application for connection to water supply
Apply to connect to Council’s water supply.
Application for extraordinary water supply
Apply to request a temporary standard 20mm water supply for construction site when no other options are available. This will be installed for a max of six months and reviewed after that.
Application for trade waste discharge
Apply to discharge trade waste either temporarily, a new discharge, renewal of a consent or a variation to an existing consent.
Application for water relief
Use this form to apply for partial credit for a undetected water leak against metered water use charges.
Application to build adjacent to or over pipelines
Complete this form to apply to build adjacent to or over water pipelines
Application to build adjacent to/over pipelines
Apply to build over or adjacent to Council's waters Infrastructure.
Application to disconnect from water supply
Apply to disconnect from the Council water supply, either the rural reticulated scheme or once a building has been removed or demolished.
Application to remove flow restrictor
Apply to have a flow restrictor removed for a maximum of four months.
Application to take water from hydrants
Apply to take water from a Waikato District Council fire hydrant.
Connection to wastewater scheme
Apply to connect to a Council wastewater scheme. Note: this must be accompanied by an application for building consent and an inspection must be called for as soon as the wastewater connection has been made.
Pre-waters network connection checklist
The following checklist is required where developers or property owners will be completing the private installation of water meter connections to Council three waters network.
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