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Workshops and ongoing training

Our marae resilience team works with marae representatives to help get emergency response plans in place for each marae. This includes identifying where extra training might be useful.

Council is working with first response organisations to put together a range of training opportunities which will be free to marae communities across the district. 

Training options

Hato Hone St John

First Aid training with a Level 2 course available, which is one step up from the introductory First Aid course. This course runs for a day and a half.

Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM)

A day-long tailored version of the CDEM Foundation course, giving a wide-ranging introduction to emergency management principles and requirements.

New Zealand Police

An information session giving a brief overview of the role of the Police during an emergency response so attendees know what to expect and how they can help.

Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ)

An information session to explain the role of the fire service during an emergency, along with practical guidance on how to use and maintain fire safety equipment.

Register for training

What course would you like to attend? (Required)
Important: Your contact details may be shared with your selected training providers.