ALERT Ngaaruawaahia, Taupiri and Huntly, expect an increase in traffic and roading detours until 6 September. See full details here.
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On the road in the Waikato - the District Plan review

Waikato district is a vast and unique area. From beaches to ranges, expressways to gravel roads, we’re distinctive from top to bottom!

To protect the uniqueness of our district we have a District Plan that guides the way land is used, developed and subdivided. This means we can manage undesirable effects on our district’s identity.

There are a variety of ways the District Plan can affect you:

  • If you own or rent property in Waikato district, the District Plan regulates what type of activities you can do on that land. This includes how much noise you can make on your property, whether you can operate a business and where buildings can be located.
  • The District Plan guides aspects of building design and regulates subdivision.
  • It also restricts what can or can’t occur on other properties in your neighbourhood.

It’s these rules and many more that we want to chat with you about as we take a road trip around our district and review our District Plan.

Tony Whittaker, General Manager Strategy and Support explains “The District Plan review is about revisiting all existing provisions and seeing if they’re still working effectively. It’s not quite starting from scratch, but it’s a great opportunity to chat with the community about their concerns and reconsider our approach to particular issues.”

From June we’re making pit stops throughout the district and holding a series of drop-in sessions where we’ll chat about any topic in the District Plan that’s important to you!

Whether you’re planning to subdivide your section, renovate or build, run a business from home or organise a community event, you need to join the journey.

All ideas and suggestions made by Waikato residents in online conversations and at the drop-in sessions will guide the review of the current District Plan.

Where are we going?

Location Dates (2015) Where? Time?
Raglan Tuesday 2 June Raglan Town Hall 3-7pm
Te Uku Wednesday 3 June Te Uku & Districts Memorial Hall 2.30-5.30pm
Te Kowhai Thursday 4 June Te Kowhai Tennis Pavilion (next to Te Kowhai Hall) 3-7pm
Tamahere Tuesday 9 June Tamahere Community Centre 3-7pm
Puketaha Wednesday 10 June Puketaha Memorial Hall 3-6pm
Ngaruawahia Thursday 11 June Ngaruawahia Memorial Hall 3-7pm
Whitikahu Tuesday 16 June Whitikahu Hall 2.30-5.30pm
Orini Wednesday 17 June Orini Community Hall 2.30-5.30pm
Te Akau Thursday 18 June Te Akau Waingaro Community Complex 12-4pm
Matangi Tuesday 23 June Matangi School Library 3-6pm
Huntly Wednesday 24 June Riverside Hall 3-7pm
Tuakau Thursday 25 June Tuakau War Memorial Hall 3-7pm
Waerenga Tuesday 30 June Waerenga Hall Society 12.30-3.30pm
Mangatangi Wednesday 1 July Mangatangi Hall 2-6pm
Pokeno Thursday 2 July Pokeno Hall 3-7pm
Te Kauwhata Tuesday 7 July Te Kauwhata Rugby Club 3-6.30pm
Port Waikato Wednesday 8 July Oraeroa Marae 3-6pm
Otaua Thursday 9 July Otaua Hall 3-6pm

 Follow the journey and join our online conversations

For more information please contact:

Nicole Nooyen
Communications Advisor
Waikato District Council
07 824 8633 Extn: 5649
027 889 3084


